Wednesday, November 12, 2008


VOL 1 # 5



Citizens be advised: Judge Domingo is well aware of the lawlessness and wanton violence that has plagued our dome for several weeks now.

The sheer madness has gone unchecked even by the so called Watchmen.

He issued a statement this morning asking everyone to stay in their homes and be prepared to protect themselves. He also mentioned a new Arbite and Enforcer patrol to set up base very soon.

This chaos all began weeks ago when the Mad Ripper of the Destroyers was killed.Revenge killings began with the Red Wolves, as their heavy hitter “ Tubs” was beaten half to death and tortured- something rarely seen here in the Underhive.

The Destroyers broke into one of Sump Towns petrol refineries and demolished it, nearly triggering a Hive Quake and also gunning down Bad Dog gang members Peety and Blow Hole.

Grimskull is on the rampage and Slagville is no place for anyone not associated with he psychopathic Destroyer mob.

Also related to this show of anarchy was several in House warring.

The Iron Fists and Iron Talons had several run ins over the weeks, with a staggering dead and injured list.

The Iron Talons have been depleted of man power, counting six dead gangers and three juves who’s names are still unknown. Even their own leader Drake Talon, has been injured so badly he will never recover without extensive bionics. An insider to both rivals says the bad blood stemmed from Jester banning the Talons from Dead Mans Hole and Drake refusing. The only resolution in an Orlocks eyes is a show of force.

The Death Dealers have also declared war on the Codicers after they were shorthanded credits and goods in several settlements. The Codicers side dealing with the Guild has forced Dred and his boys to fence their wares elsewhere and the enmity has become so grave that Death Dealer gangers have been scragging Codicers everywhere they catch them. To make matters worse the Escher Shades have taken permanent residence in Green Water, causing the Codicers to fight a two front gang war.

My advice to all the good people of this dome is to lock your doors, keep your provisions well stocked and keep a lasgun handy.


Former gang lord of the North Zones and respected founder of Badsville, Fat Mike Mulligan, was murdered by Van Saar gang leader Rickee Ficket. The ex-Ma’s Goliath gangster was seeing arguing and drinking with Ficket over money disputes. Sources say Fat Mike left the Golden Troll in Dog Town after knocking out Ficket in a fist fight and was found several hours later, a gun shot wound to the back of the head and his personal belongings scattered to the ground.

Rickee Ficket is now a wanted man and his entire outfit of thugs has been outlawed, it was well known that Fat Mike was connected with the Merchant Guild Federation and viewed as a untouchable businessman.

The reward for Ficket is 5000 credits ALIVE.


Residents of Diablo Hole and Black Junction have had the unfortunate reminder that the land they live on once belonged to the indigenous people of the Underhive. Ratskin Renegades have attacked gambling dens, food merchants and trading posts in both settlements and even had a brief scrap with the Bull Dogs near the the Sin Inn. Locals have started referring to them as the “ Tunnel Ratz”, on account that they have been seeing fleeing through the many access ways through out the area.

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